Course curriculum

    1. Understanding Panic Disorders

    2. Introduction

    3. Learning Objectives

    1. Module 1

    2. What is panic disorder?

    3. What are panic attacks?

    4. Module 1 Summary

    5. How common is Panic Disorder?

    1. Module 2

    2. What are the symptoms of Panic Disorder?

    3. Thought-related symptoms

    4. Emotional symptoms

    5. Physical symptoms

    6. Behavioural symptoms

    7. What are the different types of panic attacks?

    8. Module 2 Summary

    1. Module 3

    2. What causes Panic Disorder?

    3. Past experiences

    4. Current life situations

    5. Physical or mental health problems

    6. Drugs and alcohol

    7. Why do some people develop Panic Disorder but not others?

    8. Misinterpreting bodily signs as something dangerous

    9. Monitoring the body for signs of danger

    10. Attempts to prevent or avoid the feared event

    11. Module 3 Summary

    1. Module 4

    2. What can people try to cope with panic attacks?

    3. Breathing

    4. Grounding techniques

    5. After a panic attack

    6. Support groups

    7. Talking therapies

    8. Medication

    9. Module 4 Summary

    1. Module 5

    2. Case studies

    3. Julia, 34, estate agent

    4. Mikey, 21, mechanic

    5. Gloria, 74, retired widow

    6. Module 5 Summary

About this course

  • £15.00
  • 46 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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