Course curriculum
Module overview
What is mental health?
What is stigma?
What is mental illness / disorder?
How mental health and mental illness differ
Most common mental health issues
Symptoms of anxiety
Anxiety disorders
Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Module overview
Stress, anxiety and depression
Good stress vs bad stress
Anxiety and stress
Depression and stress
Depression and work
Work-related depression
Workplace bullying
Bullying vs harassment
Bullying – duty of managers / employers
Dealing with bullying
Ensuring you’re not a bully
Be the leader that helps others grow their strengths
Absenteeism and Presenteeism
Practical engagement strategies
Module overview
The role of line managers
Understanding the law: Equality Act 2010
Understanding the law: Health & Safety
HSE: 6 management strategies
Having sensitive or difficult conversations
Before the conversation takes place
At the start of the conversation
During the conversation
At the end of the conversation
After the conversation
“Reasonable adjustments”
Examples of adjustments to the work schedule
Examples of adjustments to role and responsibilities
Examples of adjustments to working environment
Examples of policy changes
Ways to provide additional support and assistance
Managing returning to work (RTW)
Factors to consider in planning the RTW
When reasonable adjustments don’t work
The role of Mental Health First Aiders
Communicating support effectively
Mental Health Training for Managers - Assessment
Feedback Questionnaire
About this course
- £50.00
- 52 lessons
- 0 hours of video content